If you like organized activities combined with a lot of fun then join us for our special events....we'll be looking for you.

Special Events

Our goal for the River Valley Lodge and Campground is to provide a quality camping experience for you and your horse. For some, that means peace and quiet. For others, that includes organized events and the potential for a large gathering of horsemen, horsewomen, and horses.

This Special Events page will highlight an organized event open to anyone who would care to participate.

We hope to provide opportunities for everyone to enjoy, either quiet or a busy day of activities. You make the choice. 

We want Happy Campers and Happy Horses!


JUST A REMINDER...if you have already made 2025 reservations in 2024 please confirm these reservations just to be on the safe side. Call Carolyn at 319.878.3888.

Special Just a reminder that you should never assume that the cabins are all taken...give Carolyn a call at 319.878.3888 and find out for sure. Yes, they are usually booked but cancellations do happen so you might well get lucky.

April 3rd - 6th - A Cornerstone Horsemanship instructional retreat called "Biblical Horsemanship". This is an all inclusive event. For details call Greta Cummings at 319.931.1398.

April 11th - 13th - First Wright’s Donkey Sorting Series.

April 12th - Ron Wallace Memorial Barrel Race at 3:00 PM. Contact Kim at 319.591.0477.

April 12th - Trail Challenge Clinic by Lala O’hara. A learning clinic that will teach you about trail challenges and more. Call Gail Gray at 319.470.4529 or Teresa Murray at 319.795.1260.

April 18th - 20th - First of the Ranch Horse Show series. Jackpot sorting, team roping, barrel racing, food concessions, and more. Contact Fred Moore at 660.216.0030 or Toni after 5:00 PM at 660.341.8896.

April 18th - 20th & also during each future Ranch Horse Show


April 19th - 9 to noon - Dr. Bill from the Keosauqua Vet Clinic will be providing Vaccinations, Coggins tests, Castrations, etc. at reduced prices on the 19th. Also, both a farrier and an equine dentist will be onsite for your convenience. No appointment is required but would be appreciated. You can call ahead for a no waiting “fast pass”.

April 24th - 27th - An instructional retreat called "Cowboy Dressage Clinic" with Melanie Smith-Breidt. This is an all inclusive Cornerstone Horsemanship event. For details call Greta Cummings at 319.931.1398.

May 2nd - 4th - Saddle Up for St. Jude. Includes trail rides, auction, dance, poker run, food, and much more.....and it is all for a good cause! Please bring an item for the silent auction. Special camping rates!

May 2nd - 4th - Second Wright’s Donkey Sorting Series.

May 3rd - Morning: Lockridge Rough Riders Fun Show. Afternoon: Kentucky Derby Party.

May 16th - 18th - Second of the Ranch Horse Show series. Jackpot sorting, team roping, barrel racing, food concessions, dance, and more. Contact Fred Moore at 660.216.0030 or Toni after 5:00 PM at 660.341.8896.

May 29th - June 3rd - 18th Annual Cowboy Fun Colt Starting Competition. 1st prize of $2,000 cash. Peoples Choice Award, dance, wine tasting, food, clinics, and more! Colts will be offered for sale after the event.

May 30th - Halter Breaking Competition during Cowboy Fun.

May 31st - New and Used Consignment Tack Auction during Cowboy Fun.

May 29th- 30th  - Lyon Horsemanship, Ride with Mark, two days of great clinics.


June 2nd -3rd - Lyon Horsemanship Hands On Clinic, Horses provided.


June 4th - Cornerstone Horsemanship Fear Free Fundamentals, Deal with Anxiety w/Greta Cummings at 319.931.1398

June 4th - 6th - Third Wright’s Donkey Sorting Series.

June 4th - 6th - River Valley Trail Challenge...call Gail Gray at 319.470.4529 or Teresa Murray at 319.795.1260.

June 13th - 15th - Pony Express Riders of Iowa. Includes trail ride, dances, kids fun show, auctions, poker run, food, and more. A Camp Sunnyside benefit. Special rates for primitive campsites.

June 13th - 15th - Farmington Strawberry Festival....come camp with us and enjoy the festival.

June 20th - 22th - Third of the Ranch Horse Show series. Jackpot sorting, roping, barrel racing, dance, food concessions, and more. Contact Fred Moore at 660.216.0030 or Toni after 5:00 PM at 660.341.8896. 

June 26th - 29th - Cornerstone Horsemanship - Your Horse is Speaking, are you Listening? Call Greta Cummings at 319.931.1398.

July 11th - 13th - Let's Paint the Trails 3 day event of trail riding and Instructional painting. Some meals provided    . Call Sheri Dill-Billings at 641.919.4021.

July 25th - 27th - The fourth of the Ranch Horse Show series. Note, this is a week later than normal. Jackpot sorting, roping, barrel racing, wine tasting, food concessions, and more. Contact Fred Moore at 660.216.0030 or Toni after 5:00 PM at 660.341.8896.

Aug 8th - 9th - Fourth Wright’s Donkey Sorting Series and Barrel Racing.

Aug 8th - 9th - Second River Valley Trail Challenge...call Gail Gray at 319.470.4529 or Teresa Murray at 319.795.1260.

Aug 15th - 17th - Fifth of the Ranch Horse Show series. Jackpot sorting, roping, barrel racing, wine tasting, food concessions, and more. Contact Fred Moore at 660.216.0030 or Toni after 5:00 PM at 660.341.8896.

Aug 22nd - 24th - Fields of Dream Dash by the Arabian Horse Distance Riding Assn., Brooke Moeller & Leslie Glosser.

Sept 3rd - 6th - Tri State Rodeo at Ft. Madison. River Valley offers quiet camping only 25 miles away.

Sept 11th - 14th - Cornerstone Horsemanship - Trail Etiquette and Spooking - Greta Cummings 319-931-1398.

Sept 19th - 21st - Finals of the Ranch Horse Show series. Don’t miss this final competition and awards. Contact Fred Moore at 660.216.0030 or Toni after 5:00 PM at 660.341.8896.

Sept 19th - 21st - Mule Festival at Kahoka, Missouri. Camp at quiet River Valley and take in this great event that is just across the state line. Entertainment Deluxe!

Sept 26th - 28th - Fifth Wright’s Donkey Sorting Series.

Oct 2nd - 5th - BFMFRW (Bentler Family Memorial Fall Ride Weekend). Dance, trail ride, wine tasting, food, and more. A special weekend for all families and friends.

Oct 4th - Lockridge Rough Riders Fun Show.

Oct 10th - 12th - Wright’s Donkey Sorting Series and Barrel Racing Finals with Season Awards.

Oct 10th - 12th - Finals of the River Valley Trail Challenge Series. Call Gail at 319.470.4529 for details.

Oct 10th - 12th - Check out the Van Buren Scenic Drive Festival for a great time.

Oct 23rd - 26th - Mutual Gains Horsemanship with Tom Mowery. Call Greta Cummings 319-931-1398.

Oct 30th - Nov 2nd - The Spooky Halloween Weekend....trail ride, dance, wine tasting, contests, benefit auction for a Veteran and much more fun. Friday night is the Rough Riders Lighted Fun Show.

Nov 7th - 9th - Cornerstone Fellowship Ministry Cowgirl Retreat - All Girls weekend. Greta Cummings 319-931-1398.

More events and clinics to be announced as dates and details become available so check back at this website often.

A Special "Thank You" to our Sponsors

Keosauqua Vet Clinic, Dr. Bill Helling D.V.M. - 319.293.3580

Buford Dozing & Excavating - Bonaparte, IA - 319.470.1492

L & M Ranch - Knox City, MO - 660.341.8748

JMW Enterprises - The Original Gooseneck Easy Coupler - 319.931.5727

Shiloh Outfitters - Mt Pleasant, IA - 319.986.5156

Rhinestones and Rawhide - 319.430.1148

Rock Ridge Saddles and Tack - Palmyra, MO - 573.406.5389


Copyright © 2025, River Valley Lodge and Campground.